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  • Does oil paint dry quickly?
    Oil-based paint does not dry but dries in the air. We then speak of oxidation. This is the time it takes for the oil to penetrate the support and form a surface “film”. This time allows the oil to make the support water-repellent and gives it elasticity, thus preventing the paint from peeling.
  • Is biosourced paint resistant?
    In reality, resistance is given by the use of fatty substances (elasticity and resistance) and by the use of pigments from quarries and not dyes which can tend to lose their tinting capacity. A biosourced paint tends to become one with its support and respect it.
  • Is the production local?
    Our workshop located in Angers in the Pays de la Loire. We work in an artisanal way with our raw materials which come from the agricultural world, from color mills and from the recycling of certain charges. We also try to work with territories historically specialized in certain manufacturing and we approach the manufacturers closest to our philosophy.
  • What is a biosourced product?
    A biosourced product comes from the plant and renewable world (which grows every year or several times a year). For example, for our products we use several types of oils. We then talk about biosourced finishes. However, a biosourced product can also be composed of resins from petrochemicals, as is the case with alkyd resins, for example.
  • Do you have other products?
    Yes, we have a range of finishes. We favor the use of renewable products which have proven to work on wooden supports for example. Some are mixtures of minerals and plants, others come only from the plant world. Our solutions cover all indoor building needs, whether new or renovated.
  • Where can we find your products?
    For the moment we only work with professionals in France, Belgium and Switzerland. We are considering creating storage and distribution locations in certain regions. Openings will be noted on the site as they arise.
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